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Tulip Poplar Trees

Q.tulip tree growth issue

Zone Danville, VA 24540 | magnolia_0620 added on August 23, 2016 | Answered

I planted a tulip tree back in the spring. It took root and was growing just fine to the height of about 3 ft. Now it is very much alive but not growing any more. What could be the problem? I understand they grow fast and flourish.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 23, 2016

There are several possibilities. One is that the tree is stressed by some environmental issue in the soil and is not able to Excessive heat, drought, salts in soil (perhaps from a road nearby) and nutrient deficiencies could cause this. Or, it could have run into some rocks or other impermeable structures underground that are inhibiting its root expansion. Another is that it is just pausing to get used to its new home and will continue growing next year.
Also check for any color changes or signs of insect or disease damage on the tree leaves.

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