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Cherokee Purple Tomato

Q.my tomatoes grow but they have rotten spots before ripe

Zone western nc cherokee | suncruz added on June 19, 2012 | Answered

I live in Cherokee, NC. I have Cherokee Purple tomatoes and Big Boys. They grow and then before they are ripe, they have rotten spots in them.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on June 20, 2012

It does sound like you may have some blossom end rot. Here is more information: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/vegetables/tomato/tomato-blossom-rot.htm

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Answered on June 19, 2012

Hi Suncruz:

If you are talking about a black spot on the bottom (?) of the tomato it could be blossom end rot - very common when the plant doesn't get enough calcium. Also, check your tomatoes for little insect holes - I'm an "organic" gardener - no pesticides for me but there is the inevitable downside. Hope this is helpful

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