Q.My Tomato Plants Started Getting Yellow With Brown Leaves. I Cut Them All Off The Plant Plus Any That Might Be Starting. Was Thi
my tomato plants started getting yellow with brown leaves. i cut them all off the plant plus any that might be starting. was this the right thing to do and will my tomato plants survive and bare fruit?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Unfortunately, your photos did not come through. I am unable to see the issue at hand. Likely, cutting the infected leaves off only solved the visual appeal of the plant. You will need to know what caused the issue and correct it at its cause.
Common causes for these symptoms are broad, however. Depending on, exactly, where and how the damage appears it can be over/underwatering, over/underfertilization, disease, and sometimes insect pests.
Most, usually, overwatering will be to blame. Tomatoes need lots of water, but they need the top inch or 2 of soil to dry out very well between waterings, too. They will fall prey to disease, quickly, due to overwatering.
Try a fungicide, first, and see where that gets you over the next few weeks, along with a new watering habit. If that fails to show results, then you can move on to diagnosing nutrient content of the soil.
For now, here are some articles that will help:
This link will take you to a free download of a comprehensive ebook on growing tomatoes: