Q.My rosebush looks unhappy after being transplanted
This Double Delight rosebush was large and was very healthy until I transplanted it. We moved to a new house about 5 minutes away its new location is more sunny than it had before. I transplanted another one that is doing well and blooming nicely but this one is struggling. What should I do? I have been feeding it, but not any more or less than the other rose that is doing fine.
I understand completely! I got a box of Neil Diamonds and assorted bare roots from Weeks this summer. So much to learn.
We fed the roses twice a month with weak food made from alfalfa tea that we got from Annie Haven, we tried to keep the green caterpillars and slugs off with a spray bottle with water and Palmolive soap. We covered the soil around the base with mulch to keep the moisture in. My wife was militant about dead-heading every week and a half.
The best blooms started in September after it started cooling down just a bit at night. The heavy dew, the change in sunlight, they seemed to "relax" and perk up a lot. We have so much color now and its nearly October, our patience is being rewarded. Roses are WAY MORE challenging that growing hot peppers. - Dave