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Roma Tomato Plants

Q.My Roma Tomatoes Are Not Growing Big

Zone Greensboro, NC | joanr62 added on June 24, 2015 | Answered

I am growing Roma Tomatoes in a garden box and have been watering them since it’s getting pretty hot here in NC. But they are growing very small. One was ripe but looked like a golf ball size cherry tomato before it started to rot. Do I need to add more fertilizer within the soil than what I used?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 25, 2015

Water is very much a part of tomato success, but good rich soil, adequate container size, full sunshine, a good organic fertilizer are all important. Don't over fertilize, this will cause all plant and no fruit. Follow package instructions.
I have great success adding Epsom Salt to all my tomato plants as soon as they are blossoming.
I would add about 1/8 cup sprinkled around the base of the plant and watered in each week.


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