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Red Tip Photinias

Q.My Red Tip Photinia Is Dying. It Appears It May Be Infected By Entomdsporium Mespili Fungus. Should I Just Let The Plants Die And

Zone Bethany Beach, De 19930 | mangini1213 added on May 22, 2022 | Answered

remove them or can they be treated with cooper funcide 0.08 cooper octonoate or is it a list cause. These plants are 10 feet high and very beautiful and provide privacy around our pool and I hate to lose them.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 23, 2022

Actually, this can be prevented, quite easily, with proper maintenance! Treatment is not really effective, unless it is specific (the article included will go over acceptable treatments). Maintaining proper soil moisture and cleaning up and removing all infected materials will prevent future spread.

Should the disease evade the attempt at eradication, then removal and replacement with an unrelated species will be in order.

This article will offer more information on the subject:


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