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Date Palm Trees

Q.My Pygmy Date Palm Have Fallen, What Is The Best Method To Get Them To Stand Again ? Staking Or Strap Them Up?

Zone Peoria, AZ 85381 | Anonymous added on August 29, 2023 | Answered

Until 3 days ago (heavy winds) they were standing now they are all laying 1 has completely died and was removed. How can I save these? Can they be strapped to the large Mexican palm that they are in front of and if so using what kind of material, obviously I don’t want to damage the Mexican Palm or the Pygmy’s.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 31, 2023

If they are uprooted, they can be replanted and braced, but it may take 6 months before you know if they will survive. You can use stakes or guy wires to brace it. I've included how to contact your local extension agent who may have more information.






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