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Prayer Plants

Q.My Prayer Plant is leaning. What can I do?

dram_329 added on May 16, 2019 | Answered

Hi there!

I got my prayer plant about 5 months ago, and it’s been rapidly growing new leaves (about one a week). I moved it to a bigger pot, because it was entirely root bound. It has moved nicely, and continued to grow new leaves, so I think it’s generally happy.

It is in indirect light, a pot that drains well and well draining soil. I water it regularly.

My concern is that the various stems seem to be leaning all to one side, and the leaves now point down. It’s in my classroom, so I am not here over night, but I don’t think it’s been praying.

Should I be concerned? What can I do to help this plant survive and thrive?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on May 17, 2019

Prayer plants do like to hang and the growth pattern may be related to the amount of light it is receiving. If possible rotate the plant weekly. This usually corrects this issue.


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