Q.My Polka Dot Plat Is Loosing Colour And Turning Brown On Tips.
My polka doesn’t plant was doing pretty well until I repotted it, now it’s loosing it’s dots and turning brown on tips. What am I doing wrong?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I notice that the container is way bigger than the plants. It is likely that there is a lot of soil that is not colonized by roots, which can lead to overwatering. This is what appears to be the case, here. With this situation, the soil remains too moist for too long, which suffocates roots and promotes infections.
Be sure to let the soil dry out, very thoroughly, down to about 3 inches between watering.
Treat with a fungicide to get rid of the infection taking hold.
These plants will typically lose their color with excessive light. Indirect light promotes best growth, while very low light promotes the best coloration. Direct light needs to be avoided.
Here are some articles that will help: