Q.My Peace Lily Looks Like It’s Dying, What Can I Do?
Hello! I’m new to gardening, I recently got a peace lily for my apartment and it’s absolutely beautiful. Recently, some of the leaves have started turning yellow or been black/brown (see pics). What could be causing it and what can I do to nurse it back to health? FYI, I’ve been watering it 11oz once a week. Thanks in advance for the help!
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Overwatering will be the culprit here. Instead of watering on a schedule, it is best to water once the soil dries down to about 2 or 3 inches, thoroughly.
I would treat with a fungicide/bactericide and alter the watering habits just a bit. This should take care of the issue. Keep infected growth cut and disposed of away from the plant to prevent further spread.
Here are some articles that will help: