Q.My Peace Lily Is Healthy But The Spathes Are Green And It’s A Bit Spindly
The spathes on my Peace Lily have turned green. I recently purchased it and it was really pot-bound so yesterday I re-potted it and this morning it’s perked up and looks really healthy. I’ve moved it to the middle of my room so it doesn’t get as much direct light. Should I leave the green spathes alone or should I cut them off and hope new white ones will grow. Also whilst it does look healthy it has a lot of leaves and spathes, it seems to be a bit spindly. I wondered why this was and do you think, as I’ve re-potted it and moved it that this will solve the problem?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This happens for two reasons, usually.
One is that the plant is getting too much light. These are shade plants, and will prefer quite a bit of shade, at that.
The other is overfeeding. Too much nitrogen will have a similar effect as too much light... It will trigger photosynthesis in the spathes.
Here is an article that will offer some insight: