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Pencil Cactus

Q.My Outdoor Pencil Cactus Is About To Fall Over. Help!!

Zone Mesa, AZ | Anonymous added on December 18, 2021 | Answered

Our pencil cactus is 10 feet tall and is leaning heavily to one side. The base of the trunk is curved and that is the problem. How do we remedy this? Do we stake it? It’s so heavy that we are worried it will topple over. It’s such a beautiful plant, we don’t want to lose it!! Thank you.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 19, 2021

I suggest trimming and staking it. Do not trim it like a standard or it will fall over. When you trim, start from the bottom up, so the sap, which is toxic, doesn't leak down on you. Trim stems evenly back to their point of origin. Do not leave stubs. Also, always wear gloves when handling and/or trimming this plant. When you cut it, milky sap will run and some people are very allergic. Make sure it doesn't get near your face, i.e., eyes, nose, mouth. There are some YouTube videos on pruning pencil cactus you may want to check out. You can cut off some of the top as well and start new plants with the cuttings.



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