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Norfolk Island Pine Trees

Q.My Norfolk Island Pine Appears To Be Growing A New Branch

Zone BN3 3WP | fauziska added on January 7, 2022 | Answered

Hello. My Norfolk Island pine bought just before Christmas 2021 appears to be growing a new branch from its trunk. I am thrilled to bits about this as there are a few gaps in its lower trunk. Does this normally happen or is it a one-off? How can I encourage more new branches to grow to fill in other gaps? Many thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 7, 2022

As it grows, the top will continue to develop branches, but this will be from the tip. only. Unfortunately, your photo did not come through, so I am unable to see the growth in question.

It is likely that there are multiple tree planted together. This is common, but very bad practice. Most places do this to make the tree appear more "full". I, usually, advise to separate any clumped trees to be one tree to a container.

This collection of articles will offer more information on the care of these trees:



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