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Monstera Plants

Q.My Monstera Deliciosas And Light

Zone Hamilton, Ontario | Fluffy_Chocho added on January 23, 2022 | Answered

I have a big northeast-facing window in my bedroom where I keep my monstera, the window is 30 inches in height and 47 inches in length 30×47 inches and my monsteras are 8ft away from the window a little below it because the window is up high as my monstera’s aren’t as tall as it, is this okay? it has produced fenestrated leaves albeit smaller. I have 3 monstera’s, one hasn’t produced a new leaf in a few months and the leaf it did produce a while ago is still a light green colour, another produces a lot of leaves but they are really tiny although fenestrated, and my big one has produced relatively smaller growth but its steady and an okay size for it I think. I’ve also noticed the big one is kind of droopy but not sure if it’s normal or not. Is it getting enough light??

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on January 24, 2022

Everything seems normal, to me! They don't seem to be lacking, but the drooping could be from chilly air, or slight overwatering.

It seems that you have a grasp on what kind of care that this plant needs, but here are some articles to give you some more tips for these plants' care:


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