Q.My mint plant doesn’t look as fresh? Black stem?
My mint plant is upright and going steady at the moment. I however feel the leaves are drooping a little, two of the leaves even have black spots on them. I thought that’s because they arent hydrated enough. So I watered it just enough to keep it moist BUT simultaneously the lower stems are going a little dark. I’m not sure if thats the bit that was initially inside the soil (store bought plant) and now appears dark when exposed or if it’s unhealthy or over watered. I have it in a drainage plastic pot inside a ceramic bowl. I keep it by the huge window so I know it’s getting it’s sunlight. Adding photos here.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is likely the start of a fungal infection, which will likely be caused by overwatering. Leaves can droop in response to soil being too wet for too long, just like they can when it is dry. It is important to make sure that the soil is completely dry before watering again. Mint is very drought tolerant and will be very glad to have a good dry period between waterings.
It will likely recover on its own, but you can help this along some. Just make sure that when you water next time, replace 1/4 of that with peroxide. Do this once, and it should take care of it. Also, cutting the taller stalks in half will force it to grow more vigorously. The more that you cut and use them, the faster they will grow.
This article will help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/herbs/mint/growing-mint-indoors.htm