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Leptospermum Trees

Q.My lepyospermum has large sections of the plant that look dried (bronze leaves vs green). Looks like it is dying from the center

Zone Ojai Ca 93023 | Anonymous added on August 28, 2020 | Answered

out. What can I do to save the plant? The plant is exposed to the sun all day every day. I live in southern California, inland where it is very dry. At first I thought maybe this issue was a result of freezing but as time has gone on, It appears that the issue is more systemic as the center and all its branches are effected. There are two lateral branches that are healthy still. The tree was planted in June 2012. Is on a drip system watering 3 times a week. For a year I deep watered it once a month hoping that would help. No difference I could detect. I also applied organic fertilizer which made no visual difference. It hasn’t had flowers for years now.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 30, 2020

You may want to do a soil test to be sure that your soil is acidic enough for this plant. Your soil also needs to be well-draining and fertile. This plant should be fed monthly with a balanced fertilizer, like 15-15-15. Your garden nursery folks will advise you about which granular fertilizer to use.

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