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Hyacinth Plant

Q.my jasmine plant has died!

Zone it is an indoor plant. | loud added on March 16, 2015 | Answered

It has lately stopped flowering but now the leaves are very dry and some are brown. l have trimmed it back and there are one or two new shoots.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 16, 2015

How often does the plant get watered? Is it possible it has been under or over-watered? Feel the soil - is it dry to the touch (it is under-watered and needs water) or is it damp/wet (it is over-watered - cut down on watering)? If it has been over-watered, you should re-pot the plant in fresh potting soil after you inspect and prune any damaged roots.

If hydration is not the problem, your jasmine could be suffering from a fungal disease and I have included a link for you to review below.

For more information about jasmine plant problems, please visit the following link:



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