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Ivy Plants

Q.My Ivy Plant Being Eaten by Crickets

Anonymous added on August 9, 2012 | Answered

I have an indoor ivy plant that has been eaten on by crickets. Is this normal because they have been eating the stalk of the ivy and carrying it off. What do I do?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on August 10, 2012

First of all, this is not normal, especially indoors. You should not have any crickets in the home, so I would get an exterminator to find out how to rid them from your house. Pick off what crickets you can and dispose of them, then call in a professional.

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Answered on August 12, 2012

Are you sure they are crickets? Have you seen them? I have seen commercial indoor plantings that have mice that bite off the leaves, and bite into the stems, presumably to get the moisture. An exterminator is definitely called for.

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