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Indian Hawthorn Shrubs

Q.Indian Hawthorne does not bloom

bettyboop621 added on July 16, 2015 | Answered

My Indian Hawthorne does not bloom! I have them in the morning sun and they are over 8 years old. I live in Yorktown, VA – the plants are very healthy but just will not bloom. I had a landscaper buy them for me and I planted them. I will try giving them plant food.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 17, 2015

I would suspect an issue with to much Nitrogen. This will cause lots of green but little to no flowering.
You can add Phosphorous in the form of Bone Meal to adjust this.
You may want to have a soil test done to take the guess work out of it.
Here are links for you that will help.


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