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Arum Lilies

Q.My Husband Is Desperate To Rid His Lawns Of This Arum Maculatum. As Soon As We Spo One We Try To Pull It Out, But Seldom Get The

Anonymous added on August 30, 2021 | Answered

root. Ken & Rhonda Fuller. We live in Dubbo, New South Wales, Australia, Our climate here is Temperate.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 14, 2021

Many Arums are incredibly invasive, unfortunately. Chemical means are almost never useful. There are a few ways to kill them, but most take years to kill.

There is one way that will work, fairly, quickly. It will require several days of pouring boiling water on each patch of them. Do this once per day for about a week, and it will kill most, if not all of them.

Here are some articles that will help:



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