Q.My Hoya Plant Has Been Infected With Yellow Aphids For Months
I’ve read on several houseplant websites that these yellow bugs are aphids. It was recommended to put the plant into a tub or shower and with a strong stream of water knock off the pest. Next make a mixture of Neeme oil and water and spray the plant throughly. I’ve been doing the neeme oil and water spray every other day. Unfortunately it is not working and each time I cannot believe how many pest have accumulated. Please help me! My plant is over 30 years old and I want to save it. By the way this has been going on for 4-5 months.
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
This is definitely a big problem! When the most common natural methods fail, there are still other natural options, though. The use of predatory insects, like the aphid midge, is a good option. Diatomaceous earth is another good option. Even flour can do a good job!