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Chili Pepper Plants

Q.hot peppers are growing thin long leaves

Ken_ang added on April 24, 2015 | Answered

I am a starter in growing chili peppers, specifically, the reaper. I just wonder why out of my 30 plants, some plants have thin, long leaves and others have good growth. All of my plants use the same soil, same sunshine, same pot size, and all are sprayed with fish emulsion foliar spray.

Hope you can help me with this. Thank you!

I had attached picture of the bad ones and good one.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 24, 2015

How many plants are affected? This could be due to insects (commonly aphids or thrips) or a viral disease (which could be spread by insects - aphids). To be on the safe side, I would remove the affected plants from the others to contain the issue. I would inspect the plants thoroughly for insects:

For a very comprehensive article on chili pepper afflictions, please visit the following link: http://www.thechileman.org/guide_disease.php

For more information on the care of chili peppers, please visit the following link:

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