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Q.hollyhocks not growing stalks

Zone Brooklyn, NY | Satcheles added on August 25, 2015 | Answered

My hollyhocks aren’t growing stalks, only leaves and few at that. I planted them from seed indoors in the spring and they did well at first. I moved them to a large self-watering planter to give them plenty of room and used a soilless medium. The leaves grow from individual stems, never more than three stems each, and only one leaf per stem. There are no signs of a stalk and the leaves wither and surrogate down to the base. I have tried using supports but the stems just sag. I have no sign of rust that I know of. The growing medium is always moist so they aren’t lacking water. They are in a west-facing window so get lots of light in the afternoon. Why are they not thriving? Is it just too soon?

Also, do I need to prop up the leaves? (They end up growing horizontally, presumably because they’re too heavy). I appreciate any advice I can get!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on August 27, 2015

Holly Hocks will need to be grown outdoors to meet the soil and sun requirements.
You can start the plants indoors but in order to grow this plant, that can reach height of 9 ft tall, you will need to move outdoors.
Here is a link with growing information.


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