Q.My grandparents bought a strange, fruiting dogwood and we have no idea what it is.
So a few years back, my grandparents bought a dogwood at Lowes, it was just like any other then since it was summer but in the fall, fruit form on the dogwood.
These fruits are small- about the size of cherries and look kind of spiney but arent. They are pink to light red in color and the meat is like that of a peach.
The flavor and why we desperately want to learn what this is, is indescribable. It’s like a peach met and apple and a mango and had a very, very sweet baby. It’s wonderful and we fight over these fruit every year. But it only seems to fruit in the fall.
In the spring and summer it’s indistinguishable against any other dogwood. It’s got the same flowers but grows in a long and tall way instead of our others more tree like way. But in the fall, the fruit form and we really need to reduce the war that happens for these fruit, we NEED more of this tree.
Please help if you can, Hedera

Probably Kousa dogwood.