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Q.my gladiolus have been in a container for over two months sunny position, plenty of good leaf growth but no sign of flowers! can

Zone auckland, new zealand | holmden83 added on November 18, 2018 | Answered

not understand what is wrong!! would a feed of blood and bone help?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on November 19, 2018

First, I wouldn't panic. Glads don't bloom in cool weather; mid to late summer is their time to shine. Here is an article that lists reasons for non-blooming. Yours appear to be healthy so ignore comments about rot. One caution: too much nitrogen causes lots of leafy growth at the expense of flowers. If you are using a long-acting fertilizer, additional bone meal, etc is not likely to be helpful. Glads are not "heavy feeders". https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/gladiola/getting-gladiolus-to-bloom.htm

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