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Geranium Plants

Q.My geraniums are only maturing about 1/4 of the way

Zone midwest | tennisgrma added on July 22, 2012 | Answered

My geraniums are only maturing about 1/4 of the way before they die off. I have planted them in the same planter boxes for years but this year they can’t seem to manufacture full blooms. The plants keep producing new blooms, but the same thing happens. . . just a partial flower and then they die. Am I missing something in the soil?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on July 28, 2012

Have you replaced the soil every year? It is wise to replace it every year to help prevent soil burnout and diseases that can remain in the soil. If you have been using the same soil, then likely there is a nutrient deficiency, particularly if you have not been fertilizing. Fertilizer should help.

If you do not see improvement after fertilizing or if you have been fertilizing, it is likely that the soil contains a disease that is affecting the plants. It would be best to discard the soil, wash the container with bleach and start over.

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