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Foxtail Ferns

Q.My Foxtail Fern Keeps Yellowing. I’m Afraid I’m Losing It. What To Do?

Zone Zone 7 | Anonymous added on September 8, 2021 | Answered

I ordered it from Home Depot through the mail. I already lost one of the two ordered. I brought this one inside and put it in my bathroom near a bright window. Could it be too much water or fertilizer? The pot has moss covering the dirt.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on September 22, 2021

If moss is covering the soil, it likely is getting too much water. Yellowing also can be a sign of too much water. You only need to fertilize once in spring.

Here are the care requirements for foxtail fern:


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