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Forsythia Bushes

Q.forsythia bush is not flowering

Zone Lower Michigan | animallover2848 added on April 29, 2015 | Answered

My forsythia bush is not flowering at all. What can I do? My forsythia bush was not trimmed last fall and does get full sun. Other than adding mulch, what else can I do to “encourage” it to bloom?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 29, 2015

Your forsythia may bloom later this spring - after a cold hard winter, plants are slow to come out of dormancy. It is possible, however, that the forsythia's delicate little buds didn't make it through the winter so in that case, there isn't much you can do.

Here is an article outlining the reasons forsythias do not bloom. I would review it and see if anything resonates with you:

Barring that - is there anything else unusual about the plant - any abnormal growths or substances, signs of insects, discolored leaves, etc.?

For more information on the care of forsythia, please visit the following link:

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