Q.My fig tree branches are not producing leaves
My fig tree branches are not producing leaves, look dead but the branches do not seem dead, dry or brittle. A small new growth is at the bottom of the trunk of the tree. Should I go ahead and prune the empty branches or give it more time? This is a 2 year old tree, produced small fruits last year and reached about 4 feet in height. The tree was given to me. It is planted in full sun near a thriving vegetable garden. I am located in Baltimore MD and we did have a very harsh winter this year. I am afraid the ice and snow may severely damaged it.
Yes, it sounds like it was damaged by the winter. If you prune the branches back, the tree will ultimately be much healthier. Here's an article on fig pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/pruning-fig-trees.htm
Also, some tips for winter protection: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/edible/fruits/figs/pruning-fig-trees.htm: