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Ficus Trees

Q.My Ficus tree of 10 years has lost almost all of it’s leaves. I have moved it away from direct air condition,where it has always

Zone 75844 | Anonymous added on September 26, 2017 | Answered

existed. Now has lost most all of it’s leaves, I have put a light near it, and have placed a flat dish with pebbles and water near the tree I have tried everything, what can I DO to save my tree? At this point, should I trim it back to its beginning. I think that is just about the only thing left, since it has very few leaves left on it!

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on September 27, 2017

Ficus do not like to be moved--at all!

Every time you move the Ficus it will drop leaves. If you continue to move it to try to make it happy, it will continue to be stressed.
You need to find a location and let the Ficus acclimate to it.

Find a bright but indirect light location, away from drafts.

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