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Q.My Fern

Anonymous added on July 19, 2011 | Answered

I am not certain what the exact name is of my fern, not a Boston, it has smaller leaves but sort of similar. I have no idea. Many have taken clumps out and had great success. I feel the remaining is very root bound. The water goes right through the pot and out the drainage hole. It’s alive, and ok but doesn’t seem to want to grow like it used to. What should I do?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 21, 2011

Time to transplant to a larger pot. Use a good potting soil that is rather loose. Do not be tempted to buy cheap potting soil. YOu can either gently seperate the individual plants in the pot or just transplant as is. I generally just leave them because I tend to do damage to the roots if they do not seperate easily. It will still live but goes through an ugly stage where some of the top dies off (for me, anyway).

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