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Hyacinth Plant

Q.dirt is too airy

Zone 7 | aryan added on June 3, 2015 | Answered

My dirt is too airy and I want to plant some milkweed but am afraid that the dirt isn’t strong enough to support the plants. We cleared a section of our yard that has been overrun with bushes, poison ivy, vines and weeds for years (decades?). After all of the vegetation was cleared, my husband tilled the ground to get the roots. Now we are left with the most spongy, light and dead root filled dirt. When you walk on it, it is like walking on cotton balls. I would like to plant a monarch weigh station with lots of milkweeds and nectar plants. I am worried that the dirt is too flimsy and won’t hold the plants. My husband wants to till in some compost to firm it up. Will this work?

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