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Q.My daughter received a beautiful plant while she was in the hospital about 2 months ago….two small house plants, and a bromelaid

Zone 32539 | Kathy Wilson added on April 18, 2018 | Answered

in a shallow glass container….I have since transplanted the two potted plants.The bromelaid however I transplanted this last we ek, but it’s red flowery top is looking like it’s dying; though the leaves below look happy. I put it in a regular small pot wi th regular potting soil, and placed it in good lighting inside…..but I don’t know how to keep it alive,and thriving? Do I cut off the red top, and let it start over; or do I repot it to a shallow container with a special soil… What do I do now to bring this plant back to thriving?

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on April 18, 2018

This is the one I would suspect of dying first. This is an epiphyte, meaning it lives on other tree species. You have to, almost, treat them like orchids. They will do best in an orchid or cactus mix.

The flowering top will not last very long. In fact, the entire plant will die off, but before then, it should produce one or more offsets that can be split off and transplanted.

I would suggest putting this in an orchid mix. and keeping it in bright, but indirect sunlight. It helps to feed every month with an orchid feed as well.

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