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Coconut Palm Trees

Q.coconut palm has what looks like a fungus

Zone West coast florida central | Jbbond added on July 3, 2015 | Answered

My coconut palm has what looks like a fungus on the new growth from the core. The approximately 8 ft. tall tree has been in our yard for 4 months, along with a larger one that is healthy. We have fertilized it and have sprayed the top with an antifungal. It gets watered daily, along with additional summer rains that we have in St. Petersburg. What do we do? The limbs are snapping with the wind. Our recycle water sprinklers occasionally hit the top of both trees, but this one is the only one showing stress.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on July 5, 2015

Here are a couple of links for you. Your palm may be in trouble but with more information you may be able to pinpoint exactly what the issue are.


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