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Clematis Plants

Q.My Clematis Cartmanii Avalanche Has Small Patches Of Brown Coming On Some Of The Leaves, They Aren’t Wilting Yet, What Should I

Zone Middlesex | Rita Ashe added on May 16, 2020 | Answered

I am not sure how to treat my clematis , should I just cut off infected leaves olease

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on May 18, 2020

Unfortunately, your photo did not come through. I am unable to diagnose the problem without seeing the exact color of the spots and other features and placement of the disease.

Many issues are caused by overwatering, though. If it is overly wet in your area, you may need to improve the drainage in your soil. This article will help:


Cutting the leaves will not solve the issue. It can help stop new spread, but the disease will need to be treated within the soil and plant as well.

This article will help you with fungicide use:


This article will help you with the care of Clematis:


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