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Pepper Plant

Q.My Christmas pepper plant

Zone 72044 | Rebecca Brett added on January 6, 2018 | Answered

I asked earlier about why my 3 month old chritmas pepper plants weren’t growing anymore and was told to put up pictures. So I hope this will help me get the cure for them!♤♤♤

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on January 6, 2018

Peppers likes a 50-60 degree nighttime temp and 70-80 F temp in the daytime. The lack of dark green leaves has me thinking it 1. isn't getting enough sunlight or 2. isn't getting the right nutrients. Also, only put one plant per 5 inch pot. Water from the bottom but don't allow the pot to sit in water more than 10-15 minutes. (If your soil has dried completely, which you want to avoid, water isn't soaked up easily from the bottom and runs right through the soil if watering from the top. It may take 30 minutes in water or a combo of light watering above with water below in this case.) Soil should be moist but not soggy. Terra cotta dries out faster than plastic so don't water on a schedule. Water when the plant is dry down 1 inch into the soil. I prefer to use the "heft" test; gently lift the container. If it is super light, it needs water. Heft again after watering to gauge the feel of a well-watered plant. If your house is dry, mist the leaves. Use a half-strenghth liquid fertilizer as recommended on the container. Since winter sun is not as powerful as summer sun, supplemental light is often necessary.

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