Q.My Christmas Cactus is in small planter from grower & I set it on top of a planter filled w/soil. It sunk additional roots into th
e bottom planter. How do I repot? Should I slice off the roots between the pots or try to break the original pot and then dig the other roots out of the lower planter and then repot the whole thing. Believe me, I’ve learned a valuable lesson. This was a mistake than will NOT be repeated!
Thank you in advance for your guidance!
Carol Hargrave
Avondale, AZ
623 680-2751

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Just slice off the extra roots, and then plant as you would most houseplants. These will not be hurt by a little root pruning. This article will help you in repotting after the root pruning: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/cacti-succulents/christmas-cactus/repotting-christmas-cactus.htm