Q.My Calla Lily won’t bloom color
I have planted a Calla Lily outside and it has been there for about 3 years. I live in Columbus, Ohio and it blooms (if you want to say that) every year, however only the green leaves grow. Beautifully, I might add, but it has never bloomed a colorful flower???

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
If it's not blooming at all, your soil may be too high in nitrogen and not high enough in phosphorus. Feed them with a higher-phosphorous fertilizer - your local garden center can help you with this. It also may not be getting enough water and sun to bloom.
The strange thing is you should be digging it up in the fall and storing it over winter as calla lilies aren't hardy in zone 6. So if you are leaving it in the ground, it may be too damaged to bloom properly.
Here's an article that may help: https://www.gardeningknowhow.com/ornamental/bulbs/calla-lily/make-calla-lily-bloom.htm