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Calamondin Trees

Q.Calamondin Orange tree

Zone Cincinnati Ohio | ann kimes added on December 9, 2016 | Answered

My Calamondin Orange tree was on my sun porch, full of tiny green oranges. It was producing well for past 2 years. I am in zone 6 and had to bring it in. The fruit is shriveling up, the leaves are crunchy and falling off. We have had a couple days of sunlight. Would a grow light bring this back to where it was? Thank you.

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on December 11, 2016

Yes, a grow light or two are usually necessary for citrus trees to produce fruit and stay healthy indoors. Indoor light is almost always dimmer than outdoor light, so most plants will need an adjustment period when brought indoors, especially sun-loving plants like citrus. The more light you can give it (within reason), the better it will look. Also, decrease watering, because the tree will use less water while indoors.

Here are more considerations for citrus care indoors:

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