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Blood Orange Trees

Q.My Blood Naval Tree Will Not Bloom Or Fruit

Zone Rincon GA 31326 | Foxxyneal added on November 23, 2023 | Answered

The one next to it has a huge crop they are the same age 6 years old full sun lots water and fertilizer. Mabye the graft is different don’t know

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 24, 2023

This could, certainly, be a graft issue. Either the age of the scions, or top parts of the graft, are different ages, or they are slightly different cultivars from one another. This will just take patience to overcome.

There is a chance of disease or pests to that tree, as well. This will have to be confirmed before treating the tree.

There is a chance of disease or pests to that tree, as well. This will have to be confirmed before treating the tree.

Here are some articles that will help you with citrus care:




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