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Aralia Plants

Q.My black aralia has a branch whose bark is sick. When I touch it there is give. I scraped it off, but now there is more. How do

Zone 90044 | Anonymous added on February 22, 2020 | Answered

I stop it from spreading? The leaves on that particular branch fell off, but the other parts of the plant seem healthy. The “rot” is now on the main trunk. Should I quarantine this plant?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on February 24, 2020

If you have it in a pot, it certainly would be a good idea to move it away from others till it is healthy again. I also would remove the branch that you first noticed the bark issue. If the "rot" on the main trunk isn't too far down, you can also remove up to and beyond the "rot" to healthy stem. Also, in case of root or stem rot, repotting may save it.


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