Q.My Avocado Seeding Has Curled Leaves And Is Very Wilted, (but Still Has Green Leaves)
Hi, so started growing an avocado seed a couple months back and it was doing great. I potted it and a few weeks after potting it started to grow deformed leaves and the leaves that were already grown have curled up. I’ve tried giving it more sun, less sun, more water and less water, indoor and outdoor. Nothing has perked it up! I’ve now come to the conclusion that the clay pot that i put it in had a massive amount of salt dissolved in the pores of the clay. As a result, it got more dehydrated the more I watered or sunned it and the less sun and water I gave it only dehydrated it more… anyway I was wondering if there was a more simpler answer to my problem. I just want the leaves to come out full and broad like they should. Four new leaves are just starting to sprout so I was wondering if I could fix it before they curl up too. Thanks for any help 🙂
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
I am seeing an overwatering issue. That is quite a bit of soil, and quite a large container for such a young tree. This will mean that there aren't many roots to take up all of that water. This leads to bacteria build up in the soil, which makes the soil highly acidic.
Since these are the early signs of infection, you may be able to save the tree with fungicides and correct watering habits. Make sure to let the soil dry out down to at least 2 or 3 inches, thoroughly, between waterings to avoid future issues.
Here are some articles that will help: