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Clematis Plants

Q.My 4-year-old Sweet Autumn Clematis Has Not Bloomed Yet And I Don’t Know Why.

Zone 59917 | Anonymous added on November 3, 2020 | Answered

It is almost 15 ft tall and is very proliferous and beautiful, but no blooms. It is in full sun, with plants around the roots and I gave it a 3-month slow dissolving fertilizer this year. It has a shed and fence as support and I pruned it back each year to just about a foot or two. I have two other clematis that are in the same area, about ten feet apart, and they both bloomed this year, so I don’t know what else to do. I have been researching this and not finding anything new. I am not a master gardener at all, just love it and still have lots of questions, so I hoe you can help me. Thanks.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on November 5, 2020

There are several possibilities. Here's a helpful article:

Just a word of caution: Once it starts flowering, if the seed heads are not trimmed off in fall you will have this clematis coming up all over your yard, in your shrubs and trees, and in the grass. I speak from experience. (It is on my garden thug list along with trumpet vine, pipevine, and pokeweed.)

Here is more about its general care. It is one of the more shade tolerant species of clematis.


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