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Mulberry Trees

Q.Mulberry Tree Care

Zone Nevada City, CA zone 7a | Anonymous added on March 9, 2021 | Answered

Hello, I received a very small potted mulberry sprig in fall of 2018 as a bare root from the nursery. It was only 6 inches tall but grew quickly once I potted it into a 1 gallon pot. I potted it into a 5 gallon pot after it reached 18 inches which was around the late summer-fall of 2019. Then a deer ate the tip off and it seems to have stopped growing. It is only about 12 inches tall now, still a single sprig about as thick as a pencil. I see a few buds around the sprig which is slightly curved. Is this going to be able to recover from this insult and how do I care for the little sprig now? How big should it be before I plant it into the ground? I presume during winter dormancy is the time to transplant it.

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Certified GKH Gardening Expert
Answered on March 11, 2021

I would transplant if after the threat of frost has passed in the spring. They need time to get their roots established before any inclement weather. It should be fine to plant in the ground this spring. It will probably grow faster in the ground.

Getting the tip snipped off may encourage some lateral growth. I would continue to care for it as you have been.


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