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Hyacinth Plant

Q.Mulberry tree

lind.reynolds added on March 6, 2018 | Answered

I’ve girdled a medium size Mulberry with 3 trunks 3ft. from roots and plan to remove any new growth in the future, my question is how long will the tree produce the new growth?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on March 6, 2018

If your goal is to kill the plant, girdling usually takes place closer to the ground. You will have new growth the entire 3 ft to the ground and probably some suckers as well. I suggest immediately applying glyphosate or triclopyr to the fresh stumps of new growth. It just takes a drop or two. I apply with a small foam paintbrush. To avoid herbicide use, you have to keep pruning new growth every few weeks - I'm guessing here - throughout summer and fall to exhaust the root system. Allowing leaves to stay on the plant starts to rebuild the roots and prolongs the process.

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