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Hyacinth Plant

Q.mulberry tree

Zone 15238 | j Panos added on June 9, 2018 | Answered

over the past week we have had 3 “branches” fall. Diameter sizes range from 26″-38″. we did have ants in one portion the larger trunk, but wo wind o r storm others have fallen.

it is a very moist area that it is in, and it is close to 50 years old.

do we need to take it down?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on June 9, 2018

Your mulberry tree must be huge, those are very large diameter limbs. The breakage is likely a result of advanced wood decay, structural defects, and/or overburdened weight distribution There may be risk of further structural failure, property damage or personal injury. I recommend that you have a certified arborist inspect the tree and advise you on the structural integrity, need for pruning, cabling or removal.
You may find an arborist through referal from family, friend or neighbor. If not this website may help:

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