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Crabapple Trees

Q.moving seedlings

Zone zone 7 | tani added on April 4, 2015 | Answered

Under my crabapple tree there are seedlings. How do I safely move them to another spot?

A.Answers to this queston: Add Answer
Answered on April 11, 2015

yes that is exactly where they are,,I dont know if they were grafted tho,,I see 3 to 4 under each crab apple tree,,The House was vacant for 2 years before i moved in. Ill try it see what i get ,,thank you for your reply

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Answered on April 5, 2015

Are you referring to the crab apple tree's suckers (shoots of growth that come from the base of the trunk and from the trunk's roots)?

Crab apples are often grafted onto apple rootstock. If you dig up a root sucker from a grafted tree, that sucker will grow into whatever rootstock the tree is grafted to. So, basically what I am saying is that you may not get a clone of the parent tree.

If you do want to pursue transplanting those suckers, you will want to review the following article for tips and pointers:


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