Q.moving new rose bushes to permanent beds
I live in a tropical country and from November to February, it’s rainy season. I have grown a few rose bushes from cuttings and now they are about 8 weeks old. They have grown new shoots too. I think I have planted them where they do not get enough sun even in the dry seasons. so, I want to move them to another place where they can get more exposure to sun. My question is, is it ok to move them in the rainy season or should I wait till the climate is more dry?
The rainy season would be a great time for the move in that the grounds moisture content would be good to help promote the root system growth. Rather than having the sun beating on the moved roses while they are trying to get their root systems going. Give them a good root stimulator when planted and a product called Super Thrive if you can obtain it where you are. Both work together to get the root system going and help them deal with any transplant shock and stress.