Q.Moving Hydrangea Plants
I live in Greensboro, NC and am selling my house. I have four hydrangea plants that I want to take with me. The oldest is over 10 years old and the newest about 4 years. What month should I move them, and will they survive in Highland, NC (mountain area)?
Certified GKH Gardening Expert
It is hard to say if they will survive in the new location. Most likely they will, but I would need to know the variety to say for certain. In terms of moving them, the 10 year old plant would probably not make the move, but the 4 year old plant might. You run the risk of losing the plants if they are large, as larger plants are more susceptible to transplant shock. I would recommend taking cuttings, regardless if you move them or not. That way if they die when moved, you will still have their offspring to plant. This article will help with that: