Q.Moving Asparagus Bed….Help
Help! I am moving in a couple of weeks and want to take my asparagus bed with me. The spears are just now starting to come up, which is the only way I know where the plants are. Can this be done while they are coming up? If so, what is the best way for me to dig them up and tranport them? They will need to be out of the ground about 24 hours for the move. I live on the northern coast of NC near the Virginia border and will be moving them to the Shenandoah Valley of Virginia. Planning to move them from regular open beds to raised box beds. Please help, I can’t stand the idea of not having my asparagus plants.

Certified GKH Gardening Expert
You can move them, but you will, of course, not be able to take a crop from them this year. Dig up a clump, making sure that you dig a good foot or more down, if possible. Wrap the rootball in a damp towel and then wrap that in a trash bag. This article will have other tips for transplanting it:
Once you get to your new location, plant it as soon as you can. Make sure it stays well watered and watch for transplant shock. This article will help you keep an eye out for that:
Good luck!